Friday, December 15, 2006

Gone but not actually...

Its a cold night..

Darker gets the night,
as i think of tomorrow

'Starier' gets the night,
as i think of yesterday

(didnt complete the post yest 'cuz was sleepy)

i am already awake. It was around 4:30 am when my eyes opened. I laid awake on my bed. Thinking...

Everything was so quiet then.. and now it still is.. for everyone is asleep in the house. At 5 am i got up, switched on the comp, signed in to blogspot and now here i am jotting down this post! Why am i awake? Is it the compree tension? No.. its already over and tests never got me tensed till now.. The truth is that i am scared. Why scared? Scared because am getting closer and closer to what is called 'independence' in this world. Scared because i am scared of facing this fact. Scared because i DONT know what to do!

I've been a very pampered child. And whatever i wished for, most of them got fulfilled just like that. It was all so easy that i hadnt realised that actually it is as tough as i thought it was easy. As i now realise it, it scares me more.

And now suddenly i realise..
one more sem is gone

But hey.. on the brighter side, i have full half more of BITSIAN life to know what i want! I neednt be scared. World.. I will be ready to face you in a few years!

Oh well.. Lets see what happens!

--Shruti (smiling)

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