Sunday, December 24, 2006

8 mile - a shocking revelation

8 Mile
A semi biography of Eminem. Yesterday started to watch this movie, saw till the point in the movie where B-Rabbit played Eminem gets intimidated by the crowd and doesnt say a word in that rap-something-competition. The movie was a bit slow and the rap thing was tough for me to understand (was barely able to catch a few words), so i switched off the TV. But, curiosity got better hold of me and so switched on the movie again after about 1:30 hrs or so (dont remember).. but the movie was almost over.

Must say that it was a shocking revelation to me. Hadnt imagined that people have to face these kinds of hardships too. God! Now, when i tried listening to eminem again (with lyrics), it shocked me to depths unimaginable (okay, I cant listen to his songs, they have too much of frustration in them.. its a bit tough to tolerate). But the calm look can hold this much of hurt and frustration, i never imagined. It sure was a shocking revelation.

* I guess that i should cut down my intake of rock songs, its having a funny impact on me. :)


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