Saturday, January 20, 2007

ONE point FIVE - No order - Total Chaos!

19th Jan 2007:

3:35 pm, FD-III..

oops the additional registration must have already started.. wonder if they're gonna allow the addition of an Optional CDC.. lets see.. better hurry up..

"Hey, this line is for registration, right?", a girl in pink turns around and nods. "What's the basis of the registration, i mean, how are they letting students in?", i ask her. She replies "They're doing it Pr. wise, some 300 n odd Pr. is going on". "Oh okay! Thanks".

612.. there's plenty of time.. should have attended the SSP class.. Hell! what crowd.. feels like am stuck in a local public bus.. uff, why should i crib? I only went for the whole addition business.. chalo, waiting is the only option..

The girl in pink (to her friend who came out after she got reg. in the course she wanted): "What pr. is going on?". "They're not doing PR. wise, just rush in.. That's how i also got in.."

What?! Strange! It would have been better if they had decided the criteria before.. PR wise or FCFS (First Come First Served) basis.. hmm, Management doesnt look like an easy subject.. neways, what crowd!

More pushing around happens in the vicinity. A guy from the office comes out shouting, "Are you the students of BITS? This kind of behaviour from you people! Form queues". (Dont remember exactly what he said, but from a few words that managed to reach my ears, these statements have ben constructed)

Two Queues formed. Phew! This looks better..

There was a student with pr 500 sumthing who came at 3:30 sharp but was queued up at the end of the line. Her turn came at 5:00 pm. She had to wait for full ONE point FIVE hrs!

This is the first time, that the importance of order struck my mind. Human behaviour completely changes in situations like these. Nobody bothers about what's happening around and we require some external rule to keep us in order. (After the formation of the 2 queues, everything got quickened + there was no chaos, i.e no pushing around!). Yeah Yeah.. Management is HARD.

ONE point FIVE - No order - Total Chaos!


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