Saturday, January 06, 2007

Its a new day...

Oh wow! The sem has finally begun. It feels so good to see BITS coming back to life. Last sem was so different from rest of the semesters (yeah, in a good way!), so unpredictable, with bestest OASIS spent with greatest friends (friends made during PS-I, they are so great, had they not been there to pull me to the C- and D- lawns, i would have spent the entire OASIS at home!), with bestest courses (barring non-CDCs ofcourse), with sweetest profs, nicest batchmates (pretty witty, sharp and sweet, i must say), and bestest insti room in the entire universe! It was so so so great. Perfect 4.5 months of greatest college life!

And now, its a new day, with the same unpredictability, and the same batchmates, and the same me.


It's a new world
It's a new start
It's alive with the beating of young hearts (and all the types of beating hearts!)
It's a new day
It's a new plan
I've been waiting for you...


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