Friday, January 25, 2008


Wow, Never knew that talking with a friend could bring a smile on the face! After a long long time (maybe 2 months), talked with Sonali, and wow! It was fun!
I don't know, if I would have cared somebody telling me that us talking made them smile or lifted up their spirits (I actually believe that I have an inborn talent for putting people into depression). But now, I feel great on hearing that from my friend! As a matter of fact, talking with her has made me smile too! These days I feel nice when people I care about, don't get bored in my company (I soooo very much hope they don't). Before, I never used to make any efforts to cheer anyone up (let's face it, I am incapable of doing that), but now feels that: firstly, its not about cheering anyone up, its more like being natural with them; and secondly, it doesn't require efforts. If it does, then its a forced satisfaction, perhaps not natural.
I don't know what's happening, but these days I am pretty satisfied (project aside! I wonder if my guide thinks that I am an alien (to this whole new world for me) with no brains who landed in IIA (or maybe on Earth) by mistake. But he's cute anyways, very tolerant. I wonder how could anyone be so patient with me. I am sure I drive him nuts with my insane (il)logic. But whatsoever, am enjoying!). Here I sit, staring at this 19" hp 9500 monitor nonstop and hearing my fingers type. Heck (I don't really know what that word means), shouldn't I be elsewhere, say like mathematica? :D

Yeah, I was at "am pretty satisfied". Feels like am smiling more, talking more (hell, a lot), eating a lot more (i guess "gorging" is a better word), and yeah, am happy :D

Hehe, Still thinking about what all we talked today! That's confidential of course ;)

I don't care, if this doesn't make any sense. Hell, its fun to feel stupid! I am feeling soo stupid [If you (I dont know who) respond with a "you are", I bloody don't care]. I confessed something to Sonali today, of a feeling that I always buried deep inside. So deep that I even forgot that it existed. What to do, I was scared. Perhaps still am. But just feels nice to know that somebody knows how I feel. That somebody being, a friend of mine. About something that I always was proud of, for not having. But realised, I possess it too. The grave was dug to make me feel different, or perhaps to keep it from hurting me. But, now its been dug out of its R.I.P and strangely it doesn't seem all that scary anymore! After all, I ultimately am one of "us".
Sonali, you're a pet. :)

Whatever, :D :D :D

Hasta la vista baby!

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