Thursday, March 27, 2008

If only

The weather was so pleasant. He always liked to walk down that path, with his footsteps dancing on the music of chirruping birds. Little playful birds. These long walks gave him a reason to enjoy the company of his thoughts, to retrospect, to laugh... most of the times at himself, to smirk for the reasons he wished he knew not... but he did. cry...
But he never had a reason. He was so happy.

He told her,

"I like you so much, I love you"

He knew she didn't.

The pleasant weather, the sweet music, the little playful birds, those soft hands that he once held... seemed so distant.

He looked down. His shadow seemed longer than him in the eternal sand around. Long enough to touch his footwear that he left behind so long back.

The desert sand was burning his bare feet.
"If only I never had a reason"

The sun now shone harder... he let his feet sink deeper into the inferno...
"If only I knew how to cry"

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